
2020-08-13 科研/课程/博客/工具
2020-08-13 笔记导航页
2022-02-28 [网络编程]TCP/IP网络编程
2022-02-26 [网络编程]UNIX网络编程
2022-01-02 [炼丹]炼丹爬坑&技巧
2021-06-27 [C++]内存管理
2021-05-07 [MIT 6.824]Raft
2021-05-07 [MIT 6.824]VMware FT
2021-05-05 [MIT 6.824]GFS
2021-04-16 [PaperNotes]2020.Optimizing Federated Learning on Non-IID Data with Reinforcement Learning
2021-04-08 [MIT_6.824]Labs's_Notes
2021-03-09 [PaperNotes]2017.Algorand: Scaling byzantine agreements for cryptocurrencies
2021-02-22 Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning基本概念&三种架构
2020-12-20 [PaperNotes]2020.A Systematic Literature Review on Federated Machine Learning: From A Software Engineering
2020-12-19 [PaperNotes]2019.A Survey on Federated Learning Systems: Vision, Hype and Reality for Data Privacy and Protection
2020-12-19 [PaperNotes]2019.Federated Learning for Wireless Communications: Motivation, Opportunities and Challenges
2020-12-17 [PaperNotes]2020.A Systematic Literature Review on Federated Machine Learning: From A Software Engineering
2020-12-11 [PaperNotes]2019.Client Selection for Federated Learning with Heterogeneous Resources in Mobile Edge
2020-11-15 [PaperNotes]2020.DPLCF Differentially Private Local Collaborative Filtering
2020-10-29 [PaperNotes]2018.本地化差分隐私研究综述
2020-10-23 Meta Learning初探
2020-10-22 李宏毅机器学习笔记—Meta Learning
2020-10-20 领域相关文献整理(更新中)
2020-09-26 迁移学习笔记(一)
2020-09-09 凡是过往 皆为序章
2020-09-01 [课堂笔记]文献管理与信息分析
2020-09-01 联邦学习笔记(三)
2020-08-31 联邦学习笔记(二)
2020-08-26 [”研究生科研信息素养提升“系列讲座]学习总结
2020-08-23 联邦学习笔记(一)
2020-08-14 [”研究生科研信息素养提升“系列讲座]模块一:信息素养基础工具与使用规范 第1-2讲
2020-08-14 [”研究生科研信息素养提升“系列讲座]模块一:信息素养基础工具与使用规范 第3-4讲
2020-08-13 [CCF-GAIR 2020]Abductive Learning(反绎学习)-周志华
2020-08-12 [CCF-GAIR 2020]联邦学习下的数据价值与模型安全-杨强
2020-08-12 [PaperNotes]2019.Mobile Edge Computing, Blockchain and Reputation-based Crowdsourcing IoT Federated Learning A Secure Decentralized and Privacy-preserving System